Filtering techniques in planning and scheduling A half-day tutorial at ICAPS 2006 Constraint satisfaction technology plays an important role in solving real-life scheduling problems. As time and resources become more important in nowadays planning, the role of constraint satisfaction is increasing there too. One of the key aspects of constraint satisfaction is using constraints actively to remove infeasible values from domains of variables and hence to prune the search space. This is called domain filtering. The goal of the tutorial is to explain in detail domain filtering techniques used in the context of constraint-based planning and scheduling. The tutorial is targeted to researchers and practitioners that would like to use constraint satisfaction technology efficiently in solving planning and scheduling problems. Basics of constraint satisfaction and in particular constraint propagation will be explained so no prior knowledge of constraint satisfaction is required. The focus of the tutorial is on existing filtering algorithms for constraints used in modelling time and resource restrictions. The implementation of new filtering algorithms will also be explained. The audience will take away a basic understanding of how constraint propagation works with more details on filtering techniques for planning and scheduling constraints.